
Tag Archives: Temporary Residence Ltd.

Explosions in the Sky: The Wilderness

Explosions in the Sky: The Wilderness

Explosions in the Sky The Wilderness (Temporary Residence Ltd.) Listening to Explosions in the Sky’s albums is like hearing soundtracks to movies […]

Mogwai: Atomic

Mogwai: Atomic

Mogwai Atomic (Temporary Residence Ltd.) Few bands today harness the instrumental power and creativity of Mogwai. Whether crafting their own albums or […]

Explosions in the Sky & David Wingo: Prince Avalanche

Explosions in the Sky & David Wingo: Prince Avalanche

Explosions in the Sky & David Wingo Prince Avalanche (Temporary Residence Ltd.) Prince Avalanche is the sort of indie release made for […]

The Black Heart Procession: Blood Bunny/Black Rabbit

The Black Heart Procession: Blood Bunny/Black Rabbit

The Black Heart Procession Blood Bunny/Black Rabbit (Temporary Residence Ltd.) The Black Heart Procession is back, with another ominous album that mixes […]

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