I have featured Fetish Map London plenty in this column. A regular contributor to all things kinky and fun, spreading as it has for the past few years, to an ever more global perspective, this is the one fold-over-put-it-in-your-pocket-go-out-sightseeing pamphlet I feel no self-respecting kinkster or even the mildly curious tourist should be without. I was lucky enough to get a sit down with James Drury, the head honcho for the Map, the creator of its design agency/publishing company, PictureRama, and an all-around super dude to discuss all things Fetish Map.
Tag Archives: Fetish Map London
Have You Been Naughty Or Nice? THE SEX FILES 2018 Holiday Gift Giving Guide
Giving with the lights, cookies, the Menorah candles, gift exchanging (and returning) and celebrating the Nguzo Saba, being your faithful servant in all things naughty (and a little nice) I figured I could give forth on some adult gift ideas. So grab a spiced nog, spin your dreidel put the last touches on your tree and …below are some ideas for what to give your lover/friend/spouse or just friend-with-benefits for this 2018 holidaze season.
Fetish Map London, 2016
PictureRama Publishing once again presents its Fetish Map London. This 9th edition of the pocket size, most comprehensive map of its kind features a street map of London and over 200 listings of the most relevant and valuable places a lifestyler, or even just the curious might want to see. And do to the Map’s ever growing worldwide success, it also features international shops, clubs, publications and a host of other names in the scene.