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THE SEX FILES: Catching Up
Sorry, it’s been a while. You know how life intrudes, even in the face of all those sexual interests we might share. I promise to get back to a little bit more regular posting here in/on The Sex Files, but in the meantime, I do need to catch you up a bit, so below I do with some things personal, some things not, but all things kinda naughty.
Sergio Napoletano: Memory Aisle
Sergio Napoletano Memory Aisle (Sergio Napoletano) As guitarist in Staten Island’s local music scene and making his mark at various acoustic showcases, […]
Sandflower: The Quantum Seed
Lots of space-age sounds run in and around the fantastically fun “Wild Things Are,†with its slightly overproduced chorus, and then the big pop ballad “Don’t Stress†lends itself to some of the best singing here and a UK House Remix of “Break My Soul,” ends The Quantum Seed.Â
Doug Henthorn: Three
The nasty staccato drumming beat of rockin “Devil’s Come Home,†ends Three, another great tune on this ten-song album full of them; singable, the players cutting fine and true and a great way to remember spending time with Doug Henthorn and his obvious rockin’ skills.
Combinator: re/combinator
Here we have Sean Fairchild, with help from Jesse Holt of Second Coming remixing two tunes and Isaac Chirino lending percussion on one tune. Notably, Combinator is Fairchild’s baby.
Modern Monsters: Malice
Guitar feedback noise opens “White Rabbit,†a big guitar slicing revisit of the classic Jefferson Airplane hit.