
Marc-E: Catharsis


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Marc-E, a music producer and performer based in Vancouver, BC, Canada, mixes electronic samples, traditional instruments, and organic drum rhythms. His new album, Catharsis, wraps the listener in some wonderful soundscapes you are not soon to forget.

Opener “Acceptance” slowly betrays its 70’s-like melody of slow striking rhythm guitar and piano, played well under a single-note guitar and drum rhythm. It’s a sly vibey heady opener.

A single crying note, keys, and undetermined percussion start us off on “Seeds of Faith (Isolation Mix).” The occasional backing chant reminds me of the music in the orgy scene from “Eyes Wide Shut,” and this three-minute tune is just as odd.

Chiming bells, insect sounds, and didgeridoo-like wood calls inform the slow-building low cutting beat of “Dreamtime.” Once again, we get a clear indication of how well Marc-E can indeed manage his hands around percussion; he really is a master at this particularly. Once the beat picks up about two-and-half minutes in, you’ll find yourself covered well by the stew. I think this song is my favorite on Catharsis.

“Surrounding to Now” employs some bird song, sweeping keys, and woodsy percussion, setting up strummed electric and picked guitar, creating a rising, heartbreaking melody that slows down even more to a studied guitar melody, rising bird song, and further strum, percussion playing, and picking.

The overall effect of Catharsis is that the listener is well under the spell of a master musician/composer, who handles both the organic instruments as well as he does the electronic.

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