
3D The Boss: Push It

3D The Boss
Push It
(954833 Records DK)

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A heavy power chord leading into groovin’ bass popping pushes us through “Go,” the first track on 3D The Boss’s new album, Push It. This Atlanta health & fitness trio, part of a bigger fitness conglomerate, offers up snappy, dance-pop for your workout, listening…or both.

From the big band-sound of “BBGG,” to the truly naughty, “Sneaky Peaky,” the pure dance-pop commercialism of “Push,” the lush harmonies on another big commercial attempt, “Up On Your Way,” (a tune that sounds like it is borrowing with Olivia Newton-John’s “Physical”) to the organ pumping “Heaven and Paradise” what choreographer/writer/producer Saint Day, lead vocalist/keyboardist/writer/producer C Lei Boss Lady and backing vocalist, musical director, and bass guitarist Lady Bass manage through these ten is great pop-funk.

For me, it’s when 3D The Boss lifts from the danceable workout stuff (not that there’s anything wrong with that stuff; they do it so well) and digs a little deeper, as they do on the best tune for me here, the jazz-pop “Do My Dance.” The fantastic drumming on this song, horn accents, and again, Lady Bass’s bass, with all the musical do-dads C Lei Boss manages around the guest musicians, is just spectacular. The chanting vocals sounds great, too, as does the sly piano.

“Still Standing” ends Push It, a tale of empowerment, with a 50’s girl-group vibe to it this is C Lei Boss Lady’s best vocal. Indeed, the lady sings rather fantastically throughout there, but she sounds best on this last tune.

Dance-craze, fitness gurus, video pop, work-out soundtrack, Push It is great stuff for whatever ails you.

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