
DVD: Rock Prophecies

Rock Prophecies
(PBS Direct)

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Imagine a Stevie Ray Vaughan concert—the last one ever, in fact—with 30,000 fans in the audience and you as the only photographer. Then imagine the next morning when you are overwhelmed with phone calls because you now have some of the most historic photographs of all time. Photographer Robert Knight faced just such a situation the morning after Stevie Ray Vaughan died in a tragic helicopter accident. Knight, though, refused to release his photos of that legendary concert for nearly two years after his death, out of respect for his friend. Rock Prophecies, starring Knight and his many photographed subjects, is a must-have DVD for anyone who has even a slight interest in music or photography.

Knight shares many stories about photographing Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Beck, the Rolling Stones and even getting pulled on-stage once by Robert Plant. Even with all of these impressive experiences, Knight still remains extremely humble and feels honored to have taken each of the 200,000 photographs he shot. He is also often intent on finding the talent himself and bringing it to life as he did when he took some of the first pictures of Jeff Beck and the Rolling Stones, long before anyone knew or cared who they were.

Even recently, Knight has taken undiscovered talent and made them into stars. After viewing the YouTube video of the Sick Puppies, he insisted they come to Los Angeles. Now they are doing world tours and are becoming better-known each day. This DVD, which also features stories about Knight’s ailing mother and how he came dangerously close to having to sell his entire archive, is up-close and personal and highly intriguing.

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