
Sergio Napoletano: Memory Aisle

Sergio Napoletano

Memory Aisle

(Sergio Napoletano)

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As guitarist in Staten Island’s local music scene and making his mark at various acoustic showcases, singer-songwriter Sergio Napoletano has found his stride… as well as it seems his bandmates. With drummer AJ Pantaleo, Will Schalda on piano/keys, and Paul Schalda on guitar, Napoletano delivers the rather perfect 5-song EP Memory Aisle.

The collection opens with the great noisy jangle of big-chorded electric and heavy tom work of “Lockjaw” and the lead vocal slightly buried. Changing up 180, we get the acoustic-led and piano heavy, slower and softer “Kids in the Hall.” Once again, Napoletano keeps his rather strong and dynamic vocal more to the background of the mix, which, of course, draws the listener closer. This is another wonderful little gem of a tune. By the time another of Paul Schalda’s perfectly placed electric lead comes in, we are well on our way.

The even more open-sounding acoustic title track is next, again utilizing Pantaleo’s subtlety, Will Schalda’s piano, and his brother Paul, once again adding soft touches when needed, then a blistering cool lead.

The EP ends as strongly as it began, with a slightly distorted rhythm, a spooky background single note, and a beat that’s there and not there all at the same time. Add in an infectious sing-a-long chorus and we are pretty much haunted right out to the end here with “Pretty Folks.”

Sergio Napoletano is a strong songwriter, the band behind him seemingly locked in with his understated vision and the songs are rendered with a cool vibe but not too cool for its own good, like lots of singer-songwriter stuff can be. Memory Aisle will surely stick in your memory.

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