
1st Base Runner: Ellis 

1st Base Runner
(1st Base Runner)

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1st Base Runner’s new Ellis EP is a collaboration between Tim Husmann and his longtime friend Bryan Ellis.

Opening with “Near Me” and its flicking beat, new-agey synth sensibilities, and single guitar line, the hypnotic fueled soundscape starts us in this first of the five with a sound the duo makes throughout.

“Flux,” which follows, has a ‘bubbling’ synth bed and roiling snare work; this one I really dig. Not the only time on Ellis that the keys here reminded me of old Ultravox territory. It’s a catchy breathy love song.

“Numbers” features some crinkly sounding keys, supporting a real mantra-like pulsating beat, but for me, it’s “WXW,” a softer love song by far, where the men manage to create what is the best mix of vocals on this EP. Again, a simple single guitar line fuels what might be the overall best melody here.

“Man Overboard,” another one with big blurry key sounds slipping and sliding into your brain is the big ender here. Ok, so maybe this is where and when 1St Base Runner earns a slight Radiohead comparison; slightly unintelligible lyric, sly guitar countering, and some chunky percussion sounds. Again though, Ellis and Husmann make better use than most of the vocals and production, causing what really is not much of a tune at all to have some real interesting moments.

Ellis, a rather strong EP offering, showcases what I feel are the strengths of the men behind it.

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