
My Autumn Amor: Quiet Girl

My Autumn Amor
Quiet Girl
(My Autumn Amor)

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Los Angeles-based songwriter Thomas Monroe AKA My Autumn Amor, gives us his new EP Quiet Girl.

What we get here is a truly singular sound from Monroe, as much from his distinct voice as the sly soundscapes he infuses in the production of his little song gems. Starting with the acoustic guitar-led title track into the subtle tight snare of second tune “RSVP” informed by some real longing, it becomes apparent pretty quickly that love—searching for it, having it, trying to understand it—is what mostly pushes this unique songwriter across these five tunes.

I like Monroe/Amor’s use of light key arpeggiation and falsetto on the chorus of “Believe,” a tune you can’t but help sing along to. And the keys sitting behind the guitar production of what might be the best ballad here set up Monroe/Amor’s best vocal on “Tempest Eye.” Here’s another one with a great hook-of-a-chorus and a steady drive mixed in.

A picked acoustic runs underneath the vocal on the last tune here, “The Out.” Once this one gets snapping, we are in what sounds most to me like deep Cobain-like rendering with cool effects and a wavery key line. It’s a great song to end Quiet Girl, as we get some well-placed aggression, the other end of the spectrum of love and emotions, to wrap up this EP perfectly.

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