
Sonic Fuel

Sonic Fuel
Sonic Fuel

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Spirited electric strumming, a jumpy beat, solid harmonies, and hope-for-future in the lyric gets “Good Things” up and running, the first tune on Sonic Fuel’s self-titled debut. David Hales’ strong voice, both on lead and harmony vocals (he also plays guitar), sets the pace in front of his fellow band members; Julius Blue plays keyboards, Chris Robbins, guitars and drums, and bassist Burton Akers.

“Wild and Free” features Akers’ simple echo bass under the vocal on the slippy-dippy verses, with a straight-ahead overdriven chorus that sticks in your head.  A studied dynamic sets “I Believe” in motion. With Will McFarlane guesting here on lead and slide (he has played with Bonnie Raitt and Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section), the tune rises to quite an inspiring top, again with Hale kicking the chorus out of the park.

“The Brink” that follows is plodding and rockin’, with Alice Cooper/Lynyrd Skynyrd ax man Damon Johnson featured. I love how Sonic Fuel fuels their heavy tunes just enough, keeping melodies and musicianship first and foremost. “Karma,” with its descending electric line, and nastiness, is even heavier, but once again, sing-able and melodic as most of the tunes here are. There’s a great screaming lead here as well.

There’s an almost 80’s big-hair strut to “Tune In.” The lyric here is just delicious, and you can’t help but sing along to the chorus. And “Scream,” the last tune on Sonic Fuel, is where the band ‘kicks out the jams,’ in full chunky heaviness and some great, growling singing.

It’s damn hard finding one song I like over any other here; they are all solid, strong, and fun. Sonic Fuel has produced a winner here.

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