
Disaster Relief: Back Into It

Disaster Relief
Back Into It
(CD Baby)

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The loose and funky “Back into it” begins Disaster Relief’s new 6-song release of the same name. Bassist, Brennan Andes, drummer Rob Avsharian, Dan Bennett, playing alto and bari sax, Josef Deas, on keys that include organ, electric piano, and Moog, Tim Haldeman playing tenor sax, Ross Huff, trumpet, Darrin James, (who also produced here) playing guitar and organ, and Randall Moore playing percussion set us deep into a joyful groove right from the jump here.

A clean electric strumming guitar gets us into a more island-like sway of “Kalamatianós for Alexander.” This is a sweet, easy groove-of-a-tune that sees the horns layering the main melody, with individual horns taking leads throughout.

“Weekend Čoček” opens with a nearly-discordant beginning of all instruments seemingly trying to find their way. Then James picks us up into the beat as Andes and Rob Avsharian set the pocket deep and stylish. With the hits James is providing (and some really fantastic bass from Andes), this one hits heavier than most on Back Into It.

Slow horns and keys inform the ending tune here, “What Day Is It?” Bending bluesy notes from James, Moog touches, and the horns set in the background puts this one above all the rest for me and marks my favorite on Back Into It.

Let your ears be relieved into a solid groove listening to Back Into It.

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