
Nikki Wozzo & The Bad Whiskey: Bad Whiskey

Nikki Wozzo & The Bad Whiskey
Bad Whiskey
(Travellers Records)

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The rangy and loud (in a good way) “Wild Rose” stomps its opening salvo on Nikki Wozzo & The Bad Whiskey’s Bad Whiskey. This bio song of a rolling beginning sets us up for the rock/country/blues brew that follows in 7 tunes here.

“Lovers Song” is a bit slower and flange-y loose (again, in a good way) with Mike Mallais’ rimshots filling the big space; Wozzo bites his lyric for the broken-hearted over. While “Ain’t She Something,” with its single-string guitar lead, Mallais’ in-the-pocket playing, and some quite effective, yet subtle, Ray Miller backing vocals, is the first really sparkling gem early on from this ‘bad whiskey’ bottle. This one is, dare I say it, even sing-able.

“Old Man” is fun; the guitars nice and loud; what sounds like a banjo (or is it dobro?) in the background, with Wozzo managing a solid lead as well as growly lead vocal just perfectly. Again, we get some Miller backing vocals here, as well as Miller providing a subtle bass, as he does throughout. While “Rowdy” is just as its name implies…rowdy, loud, rangy, featuring the best Wozzo lead guitar work.

I really like how the songs here run the gambit of style, loud and softer (never though really ballads), and mine lots of country-rock tropes while still retaining their own personality. Nikki Wozzo & The Bad Whiskey’s Bad Whiskey is real solid, strong stuff.

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