
She’s Excited!: Shock Therapy

She’s Excited!
Shock Therapy

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A fits-and-starts synth washes over tight percussion that slips under the talking, what will soon become a screaming, vocal of “Add Clarity” the first tune on She’s Excited!’s new album Shock Therapy. Munich-born currently Brooklyn-based electronic artist Anne Wichman is at the helm of these five (two original tunes and three remixes) which she is presenting as much as an audio exploration as a visual one, releasing five videos of all the tunes with this EP.

With wild flights of cacophony borrowing from a later Bowie/NIN playbook, “Add Clarity” unleashes until the very tail end of the tune when we get a sly snapping beat and some actual melody and singing. I do appreciate a musician radically changing things up, not only from tune to tune, but within a tune. Kudos to Anne from the jump here.

The plodding “Whole,” again gives us those low spooky synth sounds. Anne’s vocal on this is more wavery and then the song opens up into quite the plaintive wail; a good use of layered vocals here.

The “Whole (Cameron Gary Remix)” that immediately follows, is a much more danceable take, with soft synth beds underneath the “ah” call vocal and plopping bass. A heavier bass drum beat, arpeggiating keys and Anne actually singing is what we get on the Trovarsi Live Modular version of “Add Clarity.” Like the remix of “Whole,” this version will get you on the floor dancing.

The “Add Clarity (Primitive Heart Remix)” has a waffling lower synth running through it; not much else to distinguish it really, but it ends Shock Therapy, a release we can certainly get excited about.

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