FILM REVIEW: Insert Coin
There’s a history of video games I am unaware of. From what first appeared in suburban homes, fueled by the Atari company, to what we found in the early 80’s arcade arena to what we play in our homes presently, it has been a long road for the makers, marketers, and especially the gamers. Whether one is immersed in this world or just a casual player, there is no way that each of us hasn’t experienced a video game in some way during the past four decades or more.
The brand-new movie, Insert Coin, tells the story of the infamous Midway Games, a group of developers who created arguably some of the most addictive (if not violent) video arcade games way back in the ’80s. Led by Eugene Jarvis and including men like John Tobias, George Petro, and a host of others, an unassuming public got introduced and addicted to such titles as NARC, NBA Jam and of course Mortal Combat.
The men interviewed here pretty much spin their warts-and-all tale of just what was on their minds creating these games that became a genre (they pretty much wanted to keep working and wanted to be as creative as they could) and their surprise where things led. If ever there was a story of the public getting hold of something and then rabidly hoping for that something to keep pushing the limits of taste, speed, and fun, Insert Coin tells that tale.
Insert Coin can be found on Alamo On-Demand & Virtual Cinemas