The truth about ‘No Panty’ Day
June 21st is the first day of summer, but the very next day (today in fact) is No Panty Day. Or is it?
Here’s the Facebook page and the Twitter spot for it, and if something has got a Facebook page and/or a Twitter location it has to be legit, right? Well, maybe not. There are conflicting reports of this day’s origin, if it is a take-off from the much-celebrated global “No Pants Day†or “National Underwear Day.†Critics claim it is simply a way for men to get women to go commando. (I can report factual information about a World Naked Bike Ride happening in Las Vegas this weekend, see here, its rally being held at our old friends The Erotic Heritage Museum, so if you want to see skin-and moving skin at that-go there.)
According to, where “Every Day Of The Year Really IS A Holiday,†and from other facts I have been able to research, No Panty Day has a very murky origin…which makes sense for a holiday that, like the panties that are not supposed to ‘be there’ this day, might not be actually ‘there’ on any calendar. Theories have it that the day was added to Wikipedia’s International Observance Day, by mistake (highly doubtful) or by hoax (more likely) or that it is in some way connected to those actual holidays mentioned above. Holidailys even suggest it could stretch as far back as the 1940’s, though that is a theory built on the sheerest of materials, I feel. And though we know that men do wear panties, this day is certainly built around the concept of women going sans undies. What seems to be fact is that the day was first “observed†from online posts, five years ago and there are scores of video, Instagram pics and reports that various ladies have indeed gone without one day of the year since 2012.
While there is no mistaking a hetero man’s desire and DNA-predisposition to look (I can report with no fear of contradiction on this point) I have to say that in the past five years, No Panty Day has slipped by me, and probably most of you, I’d gather. Unless you are a lady participating or a man with a very astute gaze, I am assuming what the general public has mostly experienced of this day has probably been those aforementioned videos or pics. Surely, living in big cities like L.A. or NYC, one has plenty of opportunity to as much show one’s self bare-down-there as one has to observe a lady going panty-less, so if you see or participate please let me know.
But for now, no matter what occurs, enjoy your start to summer…and do keep your eyes open.