THE SEX FILES: Summer Series, ‘Up On The Rooftop’ at Vivid, Part 2.
“I overdid it at the beach and got a bad sunburn, so I took a few days off from dancing. When I came back to the club, it was just in time for this great cigar party on the roof deck,†Kimmie relates. She is one of the gorgeous strippers at Vivid Cabaret NYC and the perfect person to give us a behind-the-scenes (or more precisely an ‘up on high’) view of what’s happening at the upscale cabaret. Continuing my series “Up On The Rooftop†from the upscale gentleman’s cabaret at 61 W 37th street, I wanted to get the skinny from one of the wonderful women who work at Vivid Cabaret NYC to tell us more about the unique rooftop there. As you will recall from my piece from a few weeks ago, I gave you my impression of the outside top floor lounge of the club, but hearing what the rooftop lounge and the club itself is like from a woman like Kimmie is certainly more interesting.
“I was drinking champagne with a bunch of celebrities, but I can’t tell you their names, because we respect everyone’s privacy,†Kimmie goes on to reveal about her most recent foray up top. A red honey-haired lady with a killer smile and legs that simply will not end, like everybody else at the club, Kimmie is super friendly. Of course she doesn’t just restrict herself to the night time summer air (or winter, as the rooftop has heaters so it is open year round) of the uppermost area of Vivid’s club. As Kimmie says of one of the cabaret’s most interesting features: “I love the pole at Vivid Cabaret. It’s the tallest stripper pole in New York. Right now, I can only make it up half-way, but I’m taking a pole dancing class and by the end of the summer I’ll have licked all my fears and I’ll be up there on top.
Then she adds with a wicked smile and wink: “I hope all the shortandsweetnyc readers will come see me.”
With its 3 floors, HD TV’s, 4 stages and that infamous 25 foot pole, Vivid Cabaret NYC is a top destination for those celebs Kimmie will not mention, as well as anybody looking for a good time. In fact, the club is so well respected that new girls come in all the time to dance there, become experts on the poll, party on the roof, just absorb the whole Vivid vibe. In fact, Kimmie dropped the news that “my gorgeous girlfriend is coming in from Florida in a few days to dance here at the club,†so visitors can catch their friends, as well as the action and good times inside and On The Rooftop of Vivid Cabaret NYC any night of the week.
I like getting this inside peak from one of the talented women who dance over at Vivid Cabaret NYC. It was always my intention to get a little behind-the-scenes glimpse for you all of what goes on at what is becoming one of the better known spots in the city. Stay tuned, there’s more coming on this scene in the next weeks to come. I hope your 4th was great and that you are enjoying your summer.