THE SEX FILES: Master Konraad and slave Jazz discuss the “Sin In The City” Convention
The Sin In The City Convention, which I am presenting at, see here, and I’ll certainly report on after the event for THE SEX FILES, is presented by a cracker-jack staff of slaves, dominants and all-around sex positive people. This 3rd year-in-a-row event happening in Las Vegas (where else?) Feb 26th-March 1st is going to prove to be the best of the SITC weekends yet. I managed a sit down with organizers Master Konraad and slave Jazz to get their perspective on who they are, what work they perform at the Sin In The City and what attendees can expect this year.
Master Konraad, can you tell us who you are and your connection with the convention and this lifestyle?
I’m Master Konraad, the executive producer of Sin in the City. I have held several positions of prominence in several kink related organizations (e.g. MAsT International (Executive Director), ILSb (Board member), and present, with Jazz, on many kink elated subjects all over the country.
And Jazz?
I’m slave Jazz, the general producer of Sin in the City. I identify as a dominant, top-heavy, bisexual, kinky, pluralistically-polyamorous, intellectual, and geeky teacher, writer, slave and mother.
Can you both give me your overall idea of what the Sin In The City Convention is.
Master Konraad (MK): Sin in the City was largely the child of Jazz’s hard work and many other friends who helped us make the event a reality. It was originally intended to create a safe space in Las Vegas for people to freely express themselves, and to expose a larger audience to traditional leather values. It also was meant to bring sex back to the forefront of pansexual leather and, of course, give all attendees a great weekend.
Slave Jazz (SJ): The event has been built on a premise of loyalty, with loyalty programs for presenters, vendors, sponsors, and even the attendees, which is another unique aspect to what we do.
You’ll have a dungeon play space set up as well as lectures and symposiums (and I know at least two of your presenters are unbelievably attractive and smart), can you tell us what one can expect this year to find at the convention that differs from years past?
MK: Sin in the City has seen monumental growth since its beginning three years ago. Given the response from the kink community, where more and more people are coming to the event as word gets out, a smart producer would say “nothing has changed†…but a few things have actually changed. We have a ton more space and four (4) separate play spaces, a full length whip alley where one can swing up to a fifteen foot bullwhip, more hospitality room suites, a demo show conducted in the vendor area, and the first year of our brand new “International Person of Leather Contest.”
SJ: Yes the play space is big, 22,000 square feet with those four personalities (the pansexual “MIXER,†the male “MANhole,†the female “ToolBOX,†and the littles and animals “Playgroundâ€) and addition to what Master K just mentioned, more than 70 educational workshops, and a 6500 square foot Vendor Area.
It seems Las Vegas just has to be one of the best places to hold a gathering like this, but really, what is so special to Las Vegas that really welcomes an event like this in a way no other city could?
MK: Vegas’ reputation as a modern Babylon is, alas, overrated I feel. Generally “sin†in Vegas are things that we in leather would consider relatively tame. But there are many things which help support a conference such as Sin in the City. At its current size, the event has gained access to a great convention space alone, over one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet under roof in fact!
SJ: I agree, Las Vegas’ version of “sin†is pretty tame. Nipples on show girls can only get you so excited, right? However, it is THE city for hedonistic entertainments, and we offer some of the cheapest flights in from everywhere, which makes this an AWESOME place to come spend a weekend. Our attendees get to enjoy everything they would at a “normal†kink conference (on a larger scale) AND gamble, drink, and shop to excess!
Jazz, let me throw this one just to you. What will people NOT find at this convention, what misconceptions do you think the general public has of kinksters?
SJ: Negative judgment. Closed-mindedness. Fear (the bad kind only, of course). Your second question is a little more difficult, but I think the answer is evidenced by the popularity of a certain series of “kinky†books (and new movie release) in which the sadist comes by his “tendencies†via a childhood of abuse and trauma. Those of us who do this consciously, consensually, and in a risk-aware manner are much different than what America’s titillated housewives reading SM harlequin romance-style stories imagine.
Master Konraad, any naughty stories from years past you could impart, unusual happenings that had everyone laughing…or panting?
MK: My lips are sealed.
Jazz, do you have any…you dare tell us?
SJ: Ahhhhh, “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,†Ralph! Let’s just say this…Chips of Perversity is a game we play each year, where you can earn custom souvenir poker chips for participating in different areas of the conference. You can then trade them with other attendees in exchange for some good or….service. At the end of the weekend, both the group and the individual with the most money in chips wins a prize. But the best part of the game is the things you see people doing for those chips throughout the weekend!
I can’t thank Master Konraad and slave Jazz enough for their time. To get tickets for Sin In The City go to, stop by one my classes and say hi, explore a dungeon, gamble, and generally get your kink on in one of the greatest U.S. cities for naughty fun.