
Sharon Stone discusses her new film LOVELACE

Sharon Stone in LOVELACEThis is the true story of fame, abuse and betrayal set against the sexual revolution of the 1970’s. The movie stars Amanda Seyfried and Peter Sarsgaard as her husband. Sharon Stone does a great job of stealing this movie in her portrayal of Dorothy Boreman, Linda’s mother. In fact I did not even know it was Stone till halfway thru the film.

In 1972 – before the Internet, before the porn explosion- Deep Throat was a phenomenon: the first scripted pornographic theatrical feature film, featuring a story, some jokes, and an unknown and unlikely star, Linda Lovelace. Escaping a strict religious family she found freedom. She was an overnight sensation gaining both sexual and financial freedom. She became known for her impressive capacity for fellatio primarily and an enthusiastic spokesperson for uninhibited hedonism. The story of course turns dark and she finds herself a survivor of that dim highway. I had the chance to speak with Sharon Stone on her role in the film and more.

What attracted you to this part, playing the mother of Linda Lovelace?

One of the reasons I took this part is because the mother is the key element in all our lives.  The mother is so tremendously important to us in our lives.

What did you take away from learning more about Linda Lovelace?

The character in this movie Linda Lovelace proves and really demonstrates that it’s not how you fall it’s how you get up.

The movie shows how tricky and challenging women’s rights were at the time and of course even today.

Yes, women’s rights are so important.  What is so valuable is really how important women’s right are.  In fact, they are in question now! So that is so important to me, I took this part for that very reason. You see this character at a time when women’s rights were not so clear. Information for women was not clear and on the table. You could see how desperately she needed that info and how it could have really helped her.

Your portrayal of this character was heartfelt and heartbreaking. In fact, I did not realize it was you till half way thru the movie.

I was very fortunate to get this part from these amazing producers. They came to me with a lot of material. There was material online. I did some deep digging though thru pictures. I found things written about this woman and the guys brought me some great material about this character. So I did find both pictures and other written material.

Were you able to base the character on anyone you knew from where you grew up?

Of course I did. I grew up in that era by the way, and there were a lot of women like her where I grew up deep in Pennsylvania. So there were a lot of working women there in the 70’s. These were women that worked in coffee shops, women that worked in diners.  Hard working women! These women took care of their families. So it was a great opportunity for me to play someone that is really based on hard working women in this country. They are often single mothers trying to raise kids and they are often from very tough backgrounds.

How was your relationship with your parents as they seem to really shape how we grow into our skin as adults.

I had wonderful parents. We grew up with four children in the family. Whatever happens with your children, they never stop being your children. You may not like your kids but you never stop loving them. You might not like the choices they make but we never stop loving our children or stop hoping that they will find their true worth. So when your child does find the best in themselves and asks for you help on that journey, then the best thing you can do for them is to give them yourself. Because that’s our job. That’s our journey. That’s the thing we accept when we become parents. So from personal point of view, that is the truth for me.

LOVELACE is in theaters nationwide on August 9, 2013.

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About Cynthia Parsons McDaniel

Cynthia Parsons McDaniel works as an artist in the mediums of video installation, collage and illustration and diorama. She recently attended the National Academy Museum & School in New York City for Drawing and Visual Story Telling and Monotype Printmaking. Her collages were shown in a group exhibition at the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN. Other exhibitions Include CHESTERFIELD GALLERY, ART TAKES SOHO, TRIBECA ART + CULTURE NIGHT, SEEME + SCOPE ART FAIR + MIAMI ART BASEL + CHASHAMA GALA + ARMORY SHOW + GUILD HALL MEMBERS EXHIBITION EASTHAMPTON LI She is represented by the New York Museum of Contemporary Art in Manhattan. At the American Museum of Natural History she studied with the curator in charge of building and maintaining their DIORAMAS. She has written about design, film and theater for METROPOLIS, ELLE DECOR, IN STYLE, ELLE, DAILY NEWS, FASHION JOURNAL and NEWSWEEK. She has contributed to five books on design and film related subjects. She was nominated for an EMMY while a producer at NBC. She was head of pr and marketing at Cannon Films, New Line Cinema and VP Grammercy Pictures, then special projects editor at IN STYLE and Features Editor New York Daily News. McDaniel then went back to working with actors on MAD MEN, WEEDS AND 30 ROCK and doing personal publicity and creating Tony, Emmy, Grammy and Academy Award Campaigns. She has produced events and handled press including European Film Awards in Berlin, Cannes Film Festival Party at Hotel Du Cap, Sundance and Toronto Film Festival and Elton John's Oscar party, re-opening of the Hall of Mirrors and the Royal Opera House at Versailles and the Bob Hope Memorial Library Ellis Island. The short she produced was shown at both the Tribeca Film Festival and the London Film festival. She recently did props for Boardwalk Empire (HBO) including window displays using antiques She has wrote a one act play about early broadway called ZIGGY and created the props by hand using various antiques and paper techniques. She has worked on over 200 movies as studio executive and worked as unit publicist in ROME BERLIN LONDON BUDAPEST LOS ANGELES PARIS working with some renowned directors including Fellini, Wertmuller, Godard and The Coen Brothers just to name a few. She was the personal publicist for Daniel Day-Lewis, Carrie Fisher, Lauren Bacall, Matthew Modine, Jane Krakowski, Paul Bettany and many other gifted actors. She is a member of National Women Film Critics Circle. She contributes to the national Arts Express Syndicate Radio WBAI RADIO. She is currently writing a memoir. http://cynthiapmcdaniel.wix.com/home/ http://vimeo.com/user51648799/videos http://www.boxdioramas.com/cynthia-parsons-mcdaniel/
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