
Through The Yellow Hour @ Rattlestick Playrights Theatre through 10/28/12

Adam Rapp wrote and directs Through The Yellow Hour, yet another arresting night of theatre from the Rattlestick Playrights Theatre. The taut nearly 2 hour one-act, where the world (though the play takes place in a NYC downtown apartment) has been invaded by ‘egg heads’ seemingly maybe Muslim meanies whose identity we never seem to learn. Not that this matters, in fact, as the play progressed I found I didn’t care as much for the details about what had gone on to get Ellen, played spectacularly by Hani Furstenberg-her performance alone should get you out to see this play-locked-in and gun toting in her two room apartment.

I was left a few times wondering if Mr. Rapp was trying to belabor points as some of the black-outs seemed a little long for the prop pieces and characters that are revealed following them. But generally what you get from Through The Yellow Hour is a taut nearly 2 hour one-act.

I need also mention Vladimir Versailles’ Darius, although appearing at the last scene, the poignancy he brings to the end is marvelous. And as I have always been championing, Rattlestick was true again, their craft people are top notch: set designer Andromache Chalfant, special effects man Jeremy Chernick, Keith Parham and Christian Frederickson (lighting & sound designers respectively), costumes by Jessica Pabst, make-up Erin Kennedy, props Andrew Diaz and quite a few sudden fights beautifully choreographed by fight director David Anzuelo.

Through the Yellow Hour is written & directed by Adam Rapp and playing at Rattlestick Playwrights Theater through October 28. For more info, please visit: http://www.wegothere.org/buy-tickets/.

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