School of Seven Bells: Ghostory
School of Seven Bells
(Vagrant Records)
Ghostory is perhaps one of the most unique albums of the year. Featuring one part rock, another part shoegaze and another part just plain “wow!,” the album is an early contender for Album of the Year.
On most albums, the vocals and instrumentals break apart and you can analyze them separately by picking out strong lyrics or great guitar riffs. On Ghostory, everything falls together as one, but in a good way. Voice is used as an instrument. For example, on the track “White Wind,” the true instruments create a pulsing melody while the sweet vocals of Alejandra Deheza complement. Each lyric feels like another guitar riff. Another strong track, “Love Play,” is a true shoegaze song with elements of early Portishead. Fans of atmospheric songs with various parts to listen to at once will love this album. Each track features so many unique vocal and instrumental elements that you won’t be able to pull yourself away. Even on “Show Me Love,” the track unfolds so delicately, you can’t help but listen.
Ghostory is the perfect album for sitting down and really enjoying. While you won’t be dancing and I don’t recommend playing the album for long car rides, Ghostory is perfect for kicking back and really enjoying the ride.