
Misfits: The Devil’s Rain

The Devil’s Rain
(Misfits Records)

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I’ll be the first to admit that given the current state of Misfits and their poorly received covers album, Project 1950, I wasn’t expecting much from their first collection of new songs since 1999’s Famous Monsters. I’m happy to say I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed The Devil’s Rain. Now, make no mistake, this is not a great album (the Danzig-era purists and even Michael Graves supporters would say that’s putting it way too nicely), but it’s still a fun listen and definitely worth a try, even if you want to hate it just on principle alone. This album also features re-recorded versions of their previous single “Land of the Dead” and it’s B-side “Twilight of the Dead.” (Yes, the Misfits and George A. Romero go way back.)

Some fans will cry that bassist and now lead vocalist Jerry Only is running the band’s legacy into the ground, but I disagree. In fact, if you enjoyed the Michael Graves years (I did), The Devil’s Rain pretty much picks up from where they left off with Famous Monsters, sound-wise. All the same elements are here—catchy riffs, horror themed song titles and sinister vocals. And given the age of Only and guitarist (Black Flag legend) Dez Cadena, the amount of energy this album pumps out is astounding.

Sure it’d be great to see what a classic Misfits line-up could produce with Danzig and Doyle and perhaps Dr. Chud behind the drums (ROBO would probably turn down the gig due to those pesky visa issues) but regardless of who’s in the band now, I think it’s a good thing that the Crimson Ghost is still making the rounds. Misfits are like an institution that should continue on for years and years (like a band version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show) and The Devil’s Rain is a welcome offering for us Fiends who don’t want to live in a Misfits-less world ever again.

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