Bon Iver: Bon Iver
Bon Iver
Bon Iver
Bon Iver is known for dramatic lyrics, quiet melodies and strong vocals. On his latest release, the self-titled Bon Iver, he brings just that and so much more.
Sometimes you’ll hear reviewers call albums epic or uplifting or otherwise lofty terms. In this case, all of those terms that seem too far-stretched at times to apply to music, apply to this album. In “Towers,” with a gorgeous string arrangement and falsetto, Bon Iver crafts this track that seems so much bigger than the 3 minutes and 8 seconds the track lasts. “Lisbon, OH” takes the album in another direction. Short, sweet and with atmospheric sounds as large as an Explosions in the Sky album, the simple “intermission” track somehow manages to become a favorite. The track is framed by “Calgary,” where he sings “Don’t you cherish me to sleep/never keep your eyelids clipped.” The track is dramatic and full of quiet energy, just like the rest of the album. While all the tracks on the album are standouts, “Holocene” is perhaps my favorite. A more guitar-based track, the song builds itself up and is the grittiest track.
Whether you’re a Bon Iver fan or not, let this album take you to new places. An early frontrunner for Album of the Year, this self-titled album shouldn’t be missed.