
THE SEX FILES: The Summer Round Up

Furthering a theme I have touched on before in this column, the sex industry, if you happen to be ‘in it,’ interested ‘in it’ or might be looking to get ‘in it,’ below are a list of a few of the happenings you might want to attend have you the interest to network or take a class or two. Even if you have a passing interest and just want to rub shoulders (or whatever else) with a porn star, pick-up some swag, attend a seminar on spanking techniques, the list below might get you on your way for the summer and a little beyond.

CYBERNET EXPO-Held in San Francisco (other than NYC, is there really any other city with such naughty cool?) this three-day event features B2B networking, seminars and late-night parties. With just what might be the best vibe I have ever felt from business people, the overall theme of Cybernet is networking in such a positive way that everyone comes away helping everyone else. July 8th-10th at the Golden Gateway Hotel.  http://cybernetexpo.com/

FLOATING WORLD-The 4th year of this NJ convention, FW’s mission is to “build community and provide education, while giving space for our presenters to push boundaries and explore new topics.” This year’s lineup of presenters includes local talent alongside some of the best “internationally-recognized educators.” A great weekend to take some pictures and grab a few autographs of your favorite stars as well as conduct some business and learn the ropes (figuratively and literally) of the industry this side of the Mississippi. At the massive New Jersey Convention and Exposition center in Raritan NJ.  August 20-22. http://www.thefloatingworld.org/

ASIA ADULT EXPO (AAE) is a unique opportunity for the Asian community’s buyers and sellers of adult product to meet under one roof. Heavily weighted for those who work in the adult product industry, this convention boasts both domestic and international visitors. Held at Macau, Asia’s Las Vegas at the expo venue at The Venetian hotel, 8/20-22nd http://www.verticalexpo.com/eeditor/index.php?expo_id=5

ADULTCON 19 (the dates below are for the Los Angeles one) is porn fans’ once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get autographs, from the 69 Porn Stars attending. Performances, seminars and meet and greets, like FLOATING WORLD and a few other conventions, business is conducted while porn connoisseurs meet the stars of various film companies. From 9/10-9/12 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. http://www.adultcon.com/indexa.html

Reinvention Convention-Sponsered by More magazine, this is a woman-only day (ok, they won’t kick you out if you happen to have a penis, but…) to make new friends, talk to experts about fashion, sex and careers and of course…shop. Full details have yet to be announced, but the date for the NYC leg of this convention (D.C. and Chicago already happened) is Oct 4th  http://www.moremusthaves.com/2010/reinventionConvention/rc_newyork.html

EROTICA-Billed as the world’s “largest lifestyle show for free thinking adults,” fashion and other exhibits come together in the Grand Hall, a stunning edifice of Victorian architecture with a barrel-vaulted roof and magnificent galleries. The must-see erotic event in London this season, Nov 19-21 at the Olympia Conference & Exhibition Centre, London http://www.erotica-uk.com/

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