
Let’s Get Spooky! Blood Manor Opens for the Halloween Season

Blood ManorI know a NYC crowd is a jaded, fickle audience, a ‘what-have-you-done-for-me-lately’ crew of reprobates, but you really need to get down to Blood Manor (163 Varick Street) when it opens next week. Jesus, this is a scare-of-a-time unlike any other your big city self is ever going to experience.

It’s a room-by-room sensory overload of fright, from a truly disturbing meat locker with big creepy giggling babies coming at you, bouncy wild clowns in a colorful yet scary room, a Wolfman that is out-of-this-world, the disorienting 3D hallways where you seem to be floating, a welcoming carnival-barker like greeter that is simply stuck in his mania and a sexy yet scary pair of ghoul girls holding menacing (and thick) paddles telling you they know how bad you have been. All this and more finds you as you step through the tight hallways and beautifully day-glo paint-splattered rooms offering very bloody scenes in Blood Manor. From props to lighting effects to costuming and of course superlative scary make-up, this haunt has it all.

Ten years running now, scaring you silly until November, you truly won’t find a haunted house attraction…or one more fun. Blood Manor takes you for a long walk here, this is no mere ten minute only scream-a-thon, strobe light fiasco with a few rooms. Your led and menaced (though never touched) the entire long way through each room that gets more disorienting, yet wholly different, than the last.

By going to the Blood Manor website, you can find out about scheduling and planning for timed ticket entries to shorten you wait time. There are even “Black Out Nights” and late nights.

Blood Manor is top of the line Halloween fun in New York City. Go see it.

For more information on Blood Manor, please visit http://www.bloodmanor.com/

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